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Sustainable Energy

Environment, Social & Governance

Environment, Social & Governance Services

Global warming and pressing social issues have triggered significant regulatory and structural changes in Indonesia, placing Environment, Social and Governance high on the agenda, especially before starting up, or adding and expanding business units.
We provide support as businesses pursue the opportunities presented by the exponential growth of sustainable finance and investment opportunities, action on emissions, climate technologies, innovation and infrastructure to facilitate the energy transition.

In Indonesia, Environmental documents consist of AMDAL, UKL - UPL, SPPL

AMDAL and UKL UPL is a document in the forms of analysis compiled before the company performs operational activities.

business activities include:
Industry and industrial estates, shopping centers, hospitals, housing and apartments, mining, restaurants and various other business activities.

We provide professional legal services related to the environtmental sector such as AMDAL, UKL-UPL, SPPL for Factory, Hotels, Mall, and various other businesses


Analisis Dampak Lalu Lintas

Pertek Limbah B3

Pertek Air Limbah

Pertek Emisi

Our Office

Tokopedia Care Tower Fl. 16,

Jl. Lingkar Luar Barat No. 101, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat

DKI Jakarta 11740

AAP Law Office
Client Services Desk

Phone : 021 3972 0939
Phone : 0857 0602 6999 (whatsapp)
Email :
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