The Republic of Indonesia's DPR and President jointly approved the Regulation of Personal Data Protection on September 20, 2022. Ratification and publication in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia will occur afterwards.
The following are significant considerations with relation to the protection of personal data:
1. The rights to the data owner include:
The rights pertaining to information requests, specifically those pertaining to identification, legal interest, purpose of use, and accountability
The right to update and rectify personal information.
The authority to end, remove, and destroy personal data.
The ability to revoke consent for the handling of personal information.
The right to protest decisions made purely based on automatically processed profiling.
Through a pseudonymous system, the opt-in or opt-out right for processing is implemented.
The right to file a claim and be compensated for a breach of personal data.
2. The principle of processing personal data requires that it be done so specifically, transparently, and in accordance with the purposes for which it is requested. It also calls for protecting the security of personal data, upholding the privacy rights of data owners, notifying processing activities, and erasing personal data after the required retention period.
3. Legal authorization must be obtained before any personal data processing is implemented, whether it be done electronically or not.
4. If the document you're about to sign is an agreement, it must include a request for processing personal data explicitly or explicit consent; if it doesn't, the agreement is void.
5. Prohibition on the processing of personal data, including:
Obtaining personal data against the law
Disclosing and using personal data that is not theirs.
Install and operate visual data processing equipment in public places.
Falsifying personal data.
Selling and buying personal data. (personal data transactions)
6. It is crucial to pay attention to and abide by the rules of both legal and legal requests for personal data in order to avoid the penalties mentioned in the law for every activity that is included in the ban regulated above.